Category Archives: Resources

A Treasure-Trove of Resources For Wholehearted Living After Loss

What Exactly Is Wholehearted Living After Loss? Shelly Immel of The Big Life Project interviewed me a few weeks ago about wholehearted living after loss. I use that phrase a lot around here, but after this interview I realized that I’ve shared about it in bits and pieces throughout all my articles and there isn’t…

Top 8 Books I Recommend For Grieving & Living Wholeheartedly After Loss

I often get asked for book recommendations on the topic of grieving. I’m normally a book-addict but I found myself unable to read for the first 6 months after Juggernaut died – I just didn’t have the concentration span or will. Once I started reading again though, to be honest, I found that really great…

Wandering Your Way To Wellness

I’m really pleased to have been a part of a wonderful e-course that one of my Team Juggernaut members, Heather Plett, has put together. Heather and I share a lot of common experiences and perspectives – we’re both deeply curious explorers who love to turn over any metaphorical stone we find, just because we’re fascinated…